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Georgene's Third Book and her best to date! This is a must read for any singles who are looking to change their lives and find and keep the love they have always wanted.
Summers pulls no punches when discussing the dreaded Deal Breaker, The Emotional Hangover and how to avoid them; Sex, Drama and Breaking Patterns that Disable.
"We grow up yearning for those never-forgotten feelings of love, of being nurtured by our parents, whether real or imagined, from near or at arms’ length. This craving for regular emotional injections is so great at times it seems almost insatiable. It becomes a burning desire, to be loved; to be cared for; to be wanted; in spite of the fact that, so often, the person parceling out the “feelings” is a totally inappropriate partner. Under other circumstances, were we not so blinded by this need, we would clearly see the underlying problems so apparent to others.
We are driven to certain behavior patterns by Six Basic Human Needs. These basic needs are for Certainty; (safety, comfort, security, stability) Love/Connection; (Connection with others, passion, unity, family,) Significance; (Feeling appreciated, valued, important) Uncertainty or Variety; (Change, chaos, new experiences) Growth (intellectual, spiritual, emotional growing, study, learning) and Contribution (giving of ourselves to others) . It is these needs in our own priority that determine our behavior and the decisions that we make in our lives."