October 13, 2020



             FROM RISK TO REWARD!              

"Who are you anyway? Who do you want to be? Are you living up to what you want for yourself?"
Shocking, Surprising, Fascinating and Motivating... Georgene in a Nutshell!

Too often women measure the value of their lives by the success or failure of their relationships with a man. There is no such thing as failure in life. Some things turn out great other things not so good but you must look at every event as an opportunity to learn in a classroom called "relationships" with a teacher called life.

Use this opportunity and the wealth of knowledge gained to learn and improve the quality of your life. Just stop for a moment and think about this: Who do
you want to be and what do you want your life to look like 3 years, 5 years, 10 years from today?"

Is your life about being the extension of another persons' wants and desires? Is it to fulfill what society has in mind for you? What your family, your parents expect of you? Or is it truly the life that you want to live?

I have always been from this school of thought: It isn't One and Done ever. I have been married 4 times and 3 times ended. I look at those times at teaching opportunities that have brought me to a place where I was blessed enough and knowledgeable enough to meet my soulmate. The 4th time was the charm.

So rather than One and Done I say "If it's broken and you can't fix it...NEXT." Life is far too short to be in a broken relationship, alone with someone you don't really love and who you are not connected to.

I know too many couples that stay together for reasons I cannot fathom, religion, children and money are the biggest ones, but either one or both of them cheat and are not really in the relationship.

So I ask, what the hell is the point?

I am all about reaching out to women around the world and helping them live the fullest richest lives that they can possibly have. I love watching your life unfold and seeing how you can become the very best version of you. That is my goal.

There is no age that prevents you from having everything that you want and deserve. I always say Deny Age, Defy Age and I do that every day by surrounding myself with love and friends who are full of life. Please join me in this journey.

My mission is to help you achieve everything that you want in your life. To live your dreams and to reach that pinnacle of greatness. To grow and to change and to never let go of your dreams.

Listen as I hand you the tools and the rules to live your life to the fullest and realize all of your dreams for growth and greatness.

It's time to stop giving up your power and embracing the Warrior within. Today is the first day of the rest of your life so you can make it exactly the way you want it to be. Do it now!

You have the choice of thousands of speakers for your next event, but Georgene Summers sets herself apart with her knowledge, life experiences, charm, wit and incredible personality. She is dynamic, insightful, powerful, and has a message for women and men that will change their lives. Georgene is available to speak for Corporations, Associations, Seminars, and other events.. 

Make Your Next Event One That Rocks the House



A Testimonial

“It wasn’t easy for me, you have to work hard at improving yourself and it was very hard indeed. But it paid off! Georgene has the gift of insight and proven steps to take you where you need to be and an uncanny ability to change peoples’ lives. Georgene changed my life…”
— J.K. (New York)

Dynamic and opinionated Georgene has life experiences that most people only dream of and she recounts incredible stories for her audience that will leave them breathless. She is an amazing motivator and architect for change who has had great success in her life and fills her presentations with wit and charm and can do stories that has audiences waiting for more.

A successful Entrepreneur and CEO, a Results-Oriented Change Coach, a Gifted Communicator, and a Humanitarian, Georgene arrives with bold enthusiasm, extraordinary insight, and amazing energy. Her strong message that you can do anything you set your mind to and that only fear stands in the way of you and what you want motivates people to change.

Georgene’s vast personal life experiences from her years in the Fashion World to Wall Street and from the Tony Hamptons to the African bush gives her a unique perspective on life and how to make the most out of your own. Audiences resonate and identify with her struggles and conquests and the no nonsense approach that she takes to life. They are challenged and changed forever when they meet her in person. Her energy is contagious and she makes each presentation into a journey that draws her audience in and leaves them spellbound.

To inquire about Georgene speaking at your next event, please contact Paul Hunter at info@ultimatechangecoach.com or contact Georgene directly at georgene@aworld4women.com and put Speaking in the subject line..


        The Adrenaline Zone: From Risk to Reward

Adventurer, Risk Taker, Entrepreneur, CEO, Inventor, Author, Seminar Leader, Wildlife Photographer, Artist, Change Coach, Speaker Georgene Summers is one incredible woman.
Her life experiences have taken her around the world from NYC to the African bush and from California to Wall Street. Never one to say no and always one to jump off the cliff without a parachute Georgene brings this never say never and a can do attitude to any audience.
Never one to be dictated to by FEAR she has recreated herself countless times going from Fashion Maven to Wall Street Commodities to a Manhattan Night Club as builder and Queen of the Night.
From Entrepreneur in the Telecommunications sector to Author to Wildlife Photographer and Inventor. She has never allowed age to play a part in her work and at 60 moved alone to Africa, not knowing a soul, where she proceeded to meet her Soulmate.
Welcome to the incredible world of Georgene Summers a speaker who will leave your audience spellbound, breathless and maybe even speechless. This ageless Wonder Woman will keep any audience hanging on every word as they shake their heads and wonder what comes next.
Georgene promises that they will leave invigorated, excited, challenged, with renewed energy and commitment to say Yes I Can to any challenge business or personal.

Blind Spots: Change Your Perceptions Change Your Life

Georgene Summers began her first business with a lot of praying and the confidence that she could do anything. She jumped with both feet in front into the Fashion business renting a showroom in the California Mart and turning it into a multi-million dollar company that dealt with major department stores around the country.

Simple shifts in how you see things in the real world you can change your life. Using her years of experiences to weave a story Georgene shows the audience how making subtle changes in what they see and how they see it can make enormous differences in the quality of their life. Her "CAN DO" attitude and her ability to relate to any audience makes her an incredible speaker for any event.

Free Falling Your Way To Living

Entrepreneur and  Best Selling Author Georgene Summers gives new meaning to the words Free Falling in this AMAZING speech. Never one to shy away from risks Georgene takes audiences to a new level when she takes them on a journey to far off lands. At age 60 and living a comfortable life in the chic Hamptons, Georgene rented an entire Bed & Breakfast on the Internet, packed up 21 boxes of things she could not live without, shipped her 3 small dogs and began an adventure that would take her to Africa and to a surprise that no one saw coming! This will leave your audience spellbound.

Georgene is Dynamic, Engaging, Motivating, Witty and Powerful and is certain to have everyone leave with the belief that they too can challenge the fears that have kept them stuck and paralyzed and make their business and personal life fuller and richer.

Women vs Men: Inside the Emotional Hangover

The age old story... men and women, relationships that work and fail. Some things change and others stay the same. Relationships fail in part because women still fail to really listen but totally want men to think they have, listened that is! Women think they can fix things or change him; Men think they are communicating honestly and so the patterns that destroy relationships are still steadfastly in place.

From young to old and rich to poor men and women still cannot find the common ground that takes even the simplest of communications and relays them in a positive manner from one to the other. Fact vs fiction about the Emotional Hangovers that result when people think they can fix the other or change someone. Learn the tools to prevent the Emotional Hangover and how to recover when you end up in the throes of one. This is the one hangover that you cannot take an aspirin to cure.

To inquire about Georgene speaking at your next event, please contact Paul Hunter at info@ultimatechangecoach.com or contact Georgene directly at georgene@aworld4women.com   Just put Speaking in the subject line

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